Hi. Welcome to my little corner of the interwebs. I’m gonna try to blog once in a while, but who knows. You can expect a myriad of topics, from furry stuff to 3D printing to live video production and everything in between. There’s no set schedule here.

  • Enabling Hibernation on Ubuntu 24.04 with Full-Disk Encryption using the TPM

    I went through about 5 titles, and it’s still way too damn wordy.

    It’s not too difficult to use FDE with the TPM and Secure Boot on Ubuntu 24.04 (the installer supports this configuration, though doesn’t make it easy to figure out what the prerequisites are), but what if you want hibernation support? The kernel hard-disables hibernation when Secure Boot is enabled, so you obviously can’t have all four at once… But you can have either of those with both of the others, and switch between them at will. This even includes having the hibernate image in encrypted swap. This took me a couple of days of fighting with multiple distros to try to get what I wanted (including several hours just trying to get Arch to boot), and I finally figured it out with Ubuntu 24.04.

    There are obviously security implications, but this satisfies my threat and convenience levels. Your mileage may vary.

    This is a long post because it is a step-by-step guide. If you’re not here trying to do this for yourself, please skip this. I don’t want to waste your time.

    Keep reading.
  • On Further Confusion 2024

    Hi. I haven’t posted anything here, and I’m not surprised it took this long to get started. But I have a bunch of ideas of things to post, so I’m going to try to keep up with actually posting. For a bit at least.

    Content warning: MH; Brief mentions of wearing latex and background sexual scenes. Not explicit.

    So I went to Further Confusion again this year, for the… seventh time? I haven’t missed a year since I started going in 2016, other than the obvious exceptions of 2021 and 2022 when the convention didn’t happen. When I got home, I tooted that I had some thoughts to share about my experience:

    Keep reading.
  • Hi

    I’m clearly never going to actually make a real, proper website myself anymore at this point, so I’m going to try using Jekyll and Github Pages. No idea how much I’ll actually post stuff here, but I’d like to actually try.